Pinnacle Ranch

San Gregorio, California

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DAC's car parked in front of the house, looking out over the hills to the ocean.
Showing the front deck (it surrounds the octagonal house), and the view towards the ocean from the parking area.
Zoomed back, the parking area by the house at the top of the hill.  Leslie and Pete talking in front of the house.  <br><br>The original octagonal house is on the left, with this main entryway joining it to the addition on the right.  The addition houses the new master bedroom suite, plus an additional guest room.  <br><br>The glassed-in, greenhouse-effect foyer joins to another pair of glass doors that open onto a small rear yard area.
The view from the front deck.  Note Stage Road through the middle of the picture.
The front entrance to 4901 Stage Road, San Gregorio.  <br>
The foyer opening onto the rear yard.
The small room connecting the foyer to the main living room.  The current owners use this as the TV room.  .
The small backyard area straight through the entry foyer.  Note the nice black dog in the center, and the small outbuildings, one of which is his dog house.  <br><br>The tall stand of trees, which spans the rear of the house, is to provide a privacy screen to avoid interrupting the views of people behind and above the house.  Since the house is built on top of the ridge line (which is no longer permitted by the county), the trees minimize the impact on others' views.
The small connecting area leading from the foyer into the living room.  The current owners use this as a TV room, with the TV concealed in the frosted-glass cabinet barely visible at the extreme lower right of the photo.  <br><br>I'm not completely sure what's behind the white wall stickout out, but believe it's where the SubZero fridge from the kitchen is.
Main living, dining, kitchen area.  The windows all look out to the ocean over the hills.
As seen from the living area, this shows the center and top of the house, with the kitchen in the center.  The kitchen was re-done at the same time the new master bedroom wing was added, c. 1996.
You can't see it well in this hazy-day picture, but that big open area beyond the hills is the Pacific Ocean.
The kitchen and counter area, looking out on the view.
The house peaks over the kitchen.
More of the kitchen.